
Installation of MyGuide Player SDK for Android

About the SDK (Android)

A simple SDK that provides in-app guidance and improves user engagement. It integrates seamlessly with your app without the need to write code or do deployment. By adding just one line of code, MyGuide Player SDK enables users to access different types of guides and improves their overall experience and engagement while using your app.

Note: Android library supports minimum API Level 21 or above.

Search MyGuide Player SDK latest Dependencies from 

Add dependency in app-level Gradle file 

implementation("org.myguide:player:{latest version}")
Gradle Install

Click on "Sync Now" in Android Studio.

Initialize MyGuide Player SDK

First, you'll need to get your MyGuide Organization Key and Secret Key. Please connect with our support team at Add the below code snippet into your MainActivity

PlayerSDK.initializePlayerSDK(this, < org_key > , < secret key > );

After this setup, Run the project and a MyGuide SDK launcher icon will show on Activity.

Permission Required

Users will need to provide Overlay permission.

Last Updated: 2022-07-11 9:29am. (GMT)