Web Services (APIs)

User Provisioning

You can create users in MyGuide using User Provisioning APIs. MyGuide supports the following methods based on the authorization token type.

  • Basic Auth
  • SCIM v1 using API token (This method supports SCIM compliant APIs)
  • JWT token

1. Steps for enabling user provisioning with Basic Auth

  1. Click on the "User Provisioning" button on the organization's view page.
  2. Select "Basic Token" under the provision method.
  3. It is necessary to provide the email ID that the user wishes to use for user provisioning. The email ID must belong to the organization and must have the owner's privilege.
  4. Click on "Save" to update the configuration.

Note: Create a base64 encoded string of email and password which are separated by a colon. eg. test@edcast.com:password. This base64 encoded string is used as it is in the Authorization header. 

API Details
Name URL Method Headers Parameters or Body Sample POST and the PUT request body
Create User https://api-v3.guideme.io/v3/user/provisioning/basic_auth POST Content-Type: application/json Authorization: Basic {BASIC_TOKEN} first_name - required last_name - required email_id - required profile - optional { "first_name": "Developer" "last_name": "Edcast", "email_id": "dev@edcast.com", "profile" : "{\"department\": \"IT\", \"role\": \"Developer\"}" }
Update User https://api-v3.guideme.io/v3/user/provisioning/basic_auth PUT Content-Type: application/json Authorization:Basic {BASIC_TOKEN} user_id - required first_name: required last_name - required email_id - required active - required profile - optional { "user_id": 1234 "first_name": "Developer" "last_name": "Edcast", "email_id": "dev@edcast.com", "active": true "profile" : "{\"department\": \"IT\", \"role\": \"Developer\"}" }
GET User https://api-v3.guideme.io/v3/user/provisioning/basic_auth GET Content-Type: application/json Authorization:Basic {BASIC_TOKEN} user_id - required
Delete User https://api-v3.guideme.io/v3/user/provisioning/basic_auth DELETE Content-Type: application/json Authorization:Basic {BASIC_TOKEN} user_id - required
Status codes and error messages
Condition API Http status code Custom status Code Message
If Authorization Header Invalid Create User, Delete User, Update user, Get Users 401 2034 Invalid/Empty/Expired Header [Authorization]
If user which we are trying to create already exists Create User 200 3003 User already exists
If user_id which passed to an API is invalid Update User, Delete User, Get User 200 2005 User ID invalid. Please try again
2. Steps for enabling user provisioning  SCIM v1 using API token. 

  1. Click on the "user provisioning" button on the organisation's view page.
  2. Select "API Token" under the provision method and click on "Generate token(s)".
  3. A pop-up message will appear on the screen with the API Token.

Note: These tokens must be copied and stored securely before closing the pop-up message. It is not possible to view or edit the tokens again and can only be regenerated which will revoke access of the existing tokens.

Note: The API token provided under the "user provisioning" section can be used as-is in the authorization header.

    "schemas": ["urn:scim:schemas:core:1.0", "urn:ietf:params:scim:schemas:extension:myGuide:1.0:User"],
    "userName": "{$parameters.scimusername}",
    "name": {
        "givenName": "{$user.firstname}",
        "familyName": "{$user.lastname}",
        "formatted": "{$user.display_name}"
    "urn:ietf:params:scim:schemas:extension:myGuide:1.0:User": {
        "key1": "value1",
        "key2": "value2"
Fields Description
schemas This shows the schemas supported.
urn:ietf:params:scim:schemas:extension:myGuide:1.0:User This is myGuide
userName Email ID of the user
name.givenName First Name of the user
name.familyName Last Name of the user
API Details
Name URL Method Headers Parameter/Body
Create User https://api-v3.guideme.io/scim/v1/provisioning/users POST Content-Type: application/json Authorization:{API_TOKEN} Body as per above explained SCIM template
Update User https://api-v3.guideme.io/scim/v1/provisioning/users/{id} PUT Content-Type: application/json Authorization:{API_TOKEN} Body as per above explained SCIM template
Get User by Id https://api-v3.guideme.io/scim/v1/provisioning/users/{id} GET Content-Type: application/json Authorization:{API_TOKEN} user_id
Get User by the filter https://api-v3.guideme.io/scim/v1/provisioning/users GET Content-Type: application/json Authorization:{API_TOKEN} filter=userName eq
Delete User https://api-v3.guideme.io/scim/v1/provisioning/users/{id} DELETE Content-Type: application/json Authorization:{API_TOKEN} user_id
Activate/suspend User https://api-v3.guideme.io/scim/v1/provisioning/users/{id} PATCH Content-Type: application/json Authorization:{API_TOKEN} user_id

Note: All the APIs mentioned for API token-based user provisioning is SCIM compliant. Currently, we support the SCIM core schema 1.1. The basic schema template required for successful user provisioning using SCIM is shown below. 

Status codes and error messages
Condition API Http status code Custom status Code Message
If Authorization Header Invalid Create User, Delete User, Update user, Get Users 401 2034 Invalid/Empty/Expired Header [Authorization]
If any invalid parameter supplied Create User, Update User 400 2000 The required parameter is missing
If user which we are trying to create already exists Create User 409 3003 User already exists
If user_id which passed to an API not exists Update User, Delete User, Get User 404 3041 The specified resource is not available.
3. Steps for enabling user provisioning with JWT TOKEN. 

  1. Click on the "user provisioning" button on the organization's view page.
  2. Select "JWT Token" under the provision method and click on "Generate token(s)".
  3. A pop-up message will appear on the screen with the API Key and API secret.

Note: This key and Secret is used to generate JWT token which is used in the authorisation header.

Key Value Description
Algorithm HS256 This is default JWT algorithm
Payload { api_key:{{KEY}}, expire:{{EXPIRY_TIME}} } {{KEY}}should be the value of API Key generated in MyGuide Admin panel. {{EXPIRY_TIME}} should be UNIX timestamp (UNIX epoch) format and greater than the current timestamp.
Secret {{SCERET}} {{SCERET}} should be value of API Secret generated in MyGuide Admin Panel.
API Details
Name URL Method Header Parameters/Body
Create User https://api-v3.guideme.io/v3/user/provisioning/jwt POST Content-Type: application/json Authorization: {JWT_TOKEN} first_name - required last_name - required email_id - required profile - optional
Update User https://api-v3.guideme.io/v3/user/provisioning/jwt PUT Content-Type: application/json Authorization: {JWT_TOKEN} user_id - required first_name: required last_name - required email_id - required active - required profile - optional
Get user https://api-v3.guideme.io/v3/user/provisioning/jwt GET Content-Type: application/json Authorization: {JWT_TOKEN} user_id
Delete User https://api-v3.guideme.io/v3/user/provisioning/jwt DELETE Content-Type: application/json Authorization: {JWT_TOKEN} user_id
Status codes and error messages
Condition API Http status code Custom status Code Message
If Authorization Header Invalid Create User, Delete User, Update user, Get Users 401 2034 Invalid/Empty/Expired Header [Authorization]
If Authorization Header Invalid Create User 200 3003 User already exists
If user_id which passed to an API is invalid Update User, Delete User, Get User 200 2005 User ID invalid. Please try again
Last Updated: 2020-08-10 3:38pm. (GMT)